Our Story

Shermal Randle Founder, Tech Xclusive President

Tech Xclusive came to me when my oldest daughter start learning to code. She was so excited that she had created a game using code. I encouraged her to do more. I have two daughters who attend a school that focuses primarily on Science and Technology. They absolutely love it.

I began speaking with my husband and family members about wanting to help minority teens achieve success in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The world of STEM is ever-increasing; our purpose is to prepare our youth for success. 

Through my research and conversations, I became extremely passionate about helping our minority teenage children learn and grow in the field of STEM, with workshops, role models, project opportunities, internships and job shadowing opportunities.

For this passion of mine to be successful it is going to take awesome individuals as such of yourself to help our teenagers be setup for a great future of innovation. Will you like to be a part of Tech Xclusive? It takes all sorts of people, with every type of skill set to create a community to foster young teenagers in our community to follow their passion. From volunteers, entrepreneurs, parents, teachers, and industry leaders, there is a place for you here. Will you join us?

Shermal Randle